Having booked Heer a couple of times in the last 2 months I thought it was pertinent to give my review on her.
Just for sake of openness I went for the 1 hour SM with CBJ finish both times.
Even before the massages she had me at ease with her friendly attitude which makes for a great start.
When lying on your front she provides nice pressure & soft grazing with the nails on your back plus a superb bodyslide that has to be experienced to be believed. So the back massage is with a mix of therapeutic and sensual is absolutely great.
Then once flipped over, it's full sensual mode with very nice extremely close skin to skin contact and the cherry on top being the CBJ finish. Fantastic!
Maybe just two points for those who have only ever had SM at a SM agency, at the moment she is working from a motel room as she also does FS, so the massage is on a bed, the high standard of massage more than makes up for it though.
Also being in a motel room there's no mirrors like in the SM places where you can view the lady when lying on your front but the flip side in this situation is it builds the anticipation of seeing that beautiful body when you do turn around.
If you haven't seen her, I advise you do so as it's an experience you shouldn't miss out on.